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Search that goes further

Designed to improve user's experiences when visiting University and College websites

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Search that goes further Screen Shot

Connect prospective students with the information they need

Ensure that each time someone visits your site they leave with the information they came for

Easy to use icon

Easy To Use Site Search

The smarter search experience your visitors deserve. Allow them to quickly find relevant content across all your university websites, from courses, social media posts, events and personnel profiles.

Search Results icon

Customizable Search Results

Tweak the weighting of pages to reflect what your audience is searching for. Provide tailored suggestions and highlighted promotions and announcements on the search results page

Search Machine Learning icon

Machine Learning Optimized

Website Search gets to know your content and popular search queries to surface the best results and provide relevant suggestions

Search Analytics icon

Search Analytics & Insights

Know your audience better by understanding what they’re looking for. Easily tailor the research results to improve user satisfaction

Multiple Source Search Results icon

Return results from multiple data sources

Reuse content across multiple channels saving you time and resources

Manage icon

Relevance Modelling

Create multiple models for different areas of your site - allowing different rules and ranking for each, managed in one place ensuring search stays relevant across all of your sites

Convert icon

Advanced Crawler

Have full indexing control on what sites and areas are crawled in addition to setting crawl schedules that are right for you

Search Personalization icon


Provide tailored search results to your site visitors based on their location

Powerful search features to transform your student experience

Give your institution a competitive edge with these features:

Screenshot of the Website Search platform


Website visitors can easily find the content they’re looking for, no matter where that content is located on your website. You have full flexibility over how the results are presented, so website search can be engaging, accurate, and beautiful

Search content from different sources

As well as displaying results from your website content, search results can include index ed social media accounts, structured data, and XML feeds.

Autocomplete and correction

Useful features such as autocomplete, autocorrection and the ability to view your search history makes search an even better experience for your website visitors

Screenshot of the Website Search


Separate out different search results into different tabs. For example when someone searchs, all results are displayed but a user can click on a tab that just shows results showing events, social media posts or courses.


Website visitors can fine tune the search results based on out-of-the-box filters or custom filters. For example show results between certain dates, document types or the part of the University the results relate to.

Content types

Results can be further fine tuned based on the content type, for example only showing PDFs or Word documents in the results returned.

Screenshot of the Website Search

Who is searching for what?

Quickly see who is searching for what on your website and whether or not they are finding the right results.

Spot Trends

As well are reviewing the typical users are searching for, the platform will highlight trends where there has been a sudden change in search behavior. This can help you quickly tweak the results to highlight an answer to a very specific question that might be suddenly popular.

Tweak the results

While the default indexing techniques offer good results, you can adjust the indexing model and rules to make improve the results. It is also possible to view the reasons why a particular result is being displayed based on a particular search.

Screenshot of the Website Search Platform

Deliver targeted results

The platform provides a powerful interface that allows you to show specific results based on particular searches. You can also customize how these special results are highlighted in a particular way.

Result banners

For particular results it's possible to elevate the result to the user, for example displayed a graphical "banner ad" or an interactive call to action.


If a user searches using a particular phrase the system can automatically adjust the search phrase based on well known or University specific synonyms.

Screenshot of the Website Search

Degree Search

Provide a comprehensive search solution that helps prospective students find the right degree or course for them. Easily comare and filter down options into a short list of degrees to investigate further based on customizable filters.

People & Expert Search

Allow website visitors search for people within your organization, based on very relevant filters. Extend this further to create an Experts Directory or Research Calalog to highlight all the great work going on in the University.


Accelerate the power of our Campus Events Calendar by allowing users to find events that are of interest to them faster and easier, using configurable filters and free text searching. Search across different calendars, showing all the results in one place.

Screenshot of the Website Search

Websites & Social

As well as searching your website content, you can quickly integrate with your social media accounts allowing for social media posts to appear within your search results.

Data Feeds

Any structured data feeds can also be indexed allowing for data from other systems to be returned within search results and for specific fields to be used as filters or facets.


For Intranets and Portals you may also like to allow users to search internal databases for particular information. There are numerous connectors available that allow you to index data held in other systems throughout your organization.

Screenshot of the Website Search

Reading Grade

As we index your content we analyze all your content for its readability. This will help you identify content that is out of sync with your target audience, such as content written for a person with a Phd when in reality they might just be leaving High School.

Common misspellings or inconsistencies

No matter how much care is taken when writing content mistakes can get through your review workflow. The platform identifies, not just miss-spellings but where there are frequent inconsistencies relative to your style guide.

Page load time

Quickly identify problem pages where the load speed just isn't fast enough. Perhaps too many large images have been added to a page or a very large PDF has been uploaded. Spot these issues quickly to help improve your user's online experience.

Screenshot of the Website Search

Results Auditing

Unsure why a particular result isn't appearing naturally higher in the index? No problem, you can run a report that shows you why the result is why it is, allow you to improve the results further.

Practical Assistance

Recommendations are made to help you improve results, showing you problems that can be easily rectified such as documents that have duplicate titles, yet the content is different.

Tuning the index

Through machine learning and comprehensive content indexing algorithms the results are naturally strong, but you also have full control over your results from, both a technical and content development perspective.

Screenshot of the Website Search

Granular user controls

Not all administrative users are the same. You can allocate different roles to people within your organization depending on what websites they manage and their technical or marketing needs.

Technical & Marketing Users

Automatically the system provides two interfaces, one for technical experts and the other for people involved in marketing, content development and customer service.

Filtering & Tab Configuration

The system has been built with security and ISO 27001 in mind, recognizing that content we might be indexing may be sensitive, and perhaps only viewable by particular people when searching.

20% Lift in mobile conversions six months after launch

Capilano University

Powering both the University's websites and portal, Terminalfour helps over 100 content editors and marketers deliver engaging content across numerous online channels.

Schedule a live demo

We’d be delighted to demo the platform, focusing on your specific needs to show you how Terminalfour can transform your organization.

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